37 weeks pregnant 2 cm dilated and lost mucous plug
37 weeks pregnant 2 cm dilated and lost mucous plug
Pregnancy Forum - 37 Weeks And 1 Cm.Lost 2 - Amazon.de
Lost 2 - Amazon.de
40 weeks and 1 day pregnant lost mucus.
36 weeks pregnant, 40-50% efface, <1 cm.
37 weeks, lost mucus plug, baby's head has dropped,100% thinned out, & 2 cm dialatedWill I go into labor anytime soon?
im 37 weeks 2 cm dilated.. is labor.
Pregnancy Forum - 37 Weeks And 1 Cm.
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Yahoo! Canada Answers - Dilated 1.5-2 cm.
im 37 weeks 2 cm dilated.. is labor coming soon?: im 37 weeks. i went to the dr's yesterday and the dr said i was 2 cm dilated and while he was down there he said he
37 Weeks And 1 Cm Dilated . I'm so tired of being pregnant. I've been 1 cm since last week (36 weeks). How long can you stay at 1 cm? I lost my mucus plug on
24.02.2010 · Best Answer: No. Big or small, your baby will come when it is ready. My last one was 9.5 lbs and was a week early. However, my others were 2 weeks late (7
I'm 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant and had an OB appt today. I had an internal exam done and they told me I am 40-50% efface and less than 1 cm dilated.
40 weeks and 1 day pregnant lost mucus plug, 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced.?
37 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnant for 37 Weeks.
37 weeks, lost mucus plug, baby's head.
37 weeks pregnant 2 cm dilated and lost mucous plug
06.11.2006 · Best Answer: I was 3 cm dilated when my sac ruptured at 37 wks with no contractions on my first child and I had her the next night (about 30 hours latersources: rasssub
grizhaitantmu - 10. Dez, 05:37